H E L L O ♥
How have you been?
Im sorry for the long period of absence, as with every winter season I always seems get the blues and less motivated due to lack of warmths and the SUN living in MN where the winter season lasts from NOV-APRIL... its mid March and still snowing here ::sighs::
I truly cannot wait for the Spring to arrive here.
Well I am SUPER belated with my Blog Anniversary which was on 2/22 +_+;;
Its my 4th Annivers! I truly cannot believe that I have been blogging for this long already, seems like time just passed by! I truly dont think I could of blogged for this long without you my dear readers. Thank you for all the years of support, friendship and LOVE.
Its amazing to be able to grow older and wiser with you all! ♥
As a way to show my gratitude for your support, I love to do a giveaway because I get a chance to put a smile on a lucky reader just they way your support/LOVE always put a smile on my face :)
This giveaway is open to anyone is the world!
Prizes in this giveaway:
all items are brand new :)
Missha bb cream in 21
Urban Decay 24/7 shadow pencil set
Canmake Gokumori volume mascara
MAC cremesheen lip glass in fashion scoop
butter London polish in queen vic
Tarte smolder eyes amazonian clay waterproof liner
Decolog japanese false lashes
Juicy Couture crystal gold earring
Rilakkuma cord holder
There will be 1 winner to the items pictured and a 1 runner up winner for a surprise gifts,
total of 2 winners!
please fill the form below!
Winner will be randomly chosen by rafflecopter. winner must respond within 4 days after email has been sent or another winner will be selected.
I had a chance to go through my blog from the beginning since its partly my diary, nice to be able to look back and reminisce all the event that happened in the past 4 years, so glad I started blogging :D
My past blog banners ^_^
I made a blog photo collage from 2009-2012 its sorta weird seeing the changes through out the 4 years. one thing stands out now is that I stopped plucking my eyebrows so thin, I embraced my thick bushy eyebrows that I used to hate lol