
Cute finds & Daiso jeweled giveaway

 Hi Hi!

Wanted to share some cute finds in this post :)
Hello Kitty seems to be everywhere here in Japan even on toothpaste! I should take a photo every time I spot a Hello Kitty on a product cause they are endless lol

I also went to Daiso a while back and found some cute thing so I wanted to share them with you as well~

Apagard whitening peach mint flavored tooth paste :D
Muhi insect bite itch reliever~ so cute should get one cause there quite a few mosquitoes here X3
Maybelline Hyper curl volume express with Hello kitty design!
Lover liner 24hr keep liquid eyeliner in Lum-chan edition!

Some items from Daiso!
I thought these items was so cute cause they are jeweled reminds me of Jill Stuart cosmetics! :)

water resistant liquid eyeliner
Solid perfume with sweet strawberry scent
Crystal cream eyeshadow in Rose~ thought this shade will be great as a base color for an eyeshadow :)

Now for the Mini Giveaway!

2 readers will win these cute jeweled items from Daiso ^_^

 to enter:
Please leave your email and your name or twitter @name in this post comment
open to anyone in the world, this giveaway closes on 7/16

well thanks for stopping by and reading my blog again!
p.s thanks to those who watched my Vblog~ I hope to get another one edited and out to you soon ^^ This Sat I am planning to go see Tokyo Sky Tree finally but not sure if I will go up on it cause its still quite busy there D; but we'll see I'll make sure to film there :)

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