
Popsister 4/2011 issue *pic heavy*

Here is the latest issue of Popsister April 2011

featuring ever so ageless beauty Hinano Yoshikawa 吉川ひなの
can you believe she is over 30 years old!! XD such a beauty~♥ she looks like she is around the same age as the other models :D Its never too old to be a kawaii/beautiful gyaru for sure♥

:click to enlarge:

On the fashion topic of "Adult Girly fashion"

Quote by Hirano:
"I will forever LOVE girly style because I am a girl"

click below for more :)



Finally updated my handmade store ekiLove :)

here are some of the new creations, all made with LOVE♥



Photography: Ninja and chocolate

Just random photos practicing macro shots with handsome Ninja :3

you can see in his face like "what you doing mama?" 
yup he still have his pink collar on lol X3

 bonus shot: this is how Ninja looks outside.. standing, I sometime feels like he thinks he is human lol X3

Thank you Miyuki-chan for this amazing swiss chocolates!! Miyuki-chan is one of my royal ekiLove customer from Switzerland~ she was kind to gift me with this chocolates!!♥ She said "it is made an hour away from my place in the swiss mountain :) normally you can not find it elsewhere than in switzerland" ^__^

wow they are amazing!! I already ate the first tray in like 4 days lol 本当にありがとう凄く美味しかったです!thx for the love hun♥


Dueba shinny Violet contact lens

(also known as Puffy 3 tone)

Item details
Weight: 0 kg, 100 grams
Stock: Stock available
Brand : Dueba
Diameter : 14.5mm
Water Content : 38%
Base Curve : 8.6mm
Life Span : 1 year disposal

Lens sponsored by www.Pinkyparadise.com for a review purpose :)
special promo for you code: ekiLove

terms and conditions:
1. every pair of lens purchase will entitle a FREE animal lens case PLUS a mystery gift.
2. purchase 2 pairs get 2 mystery gifts, 3 pairs 3 gifts, so on.
3. discount code only works on a minimum purchase of 1 pair

now on to my review:

my 3rd pair of Dueba shinny series and so far all have very been nicely comfortable to a point I forget that I have them in has not dried out my eyes or gave me any discomfort so I can say that I am very pleased by those factors~ :) Also with the color and the opacity are pretty good they are really noticeable in daylight and with flash, the only thing is that this lens seems to be lacking on the pattern.. with the shinny grey the pattern are really defined but with the violet once you put in your eyes the patterns definitions sorta disappears but since its 3 tone with lighter shade in the inner rim it gives off the blended look. Also the enlargement effects are subtle so it looks fairly natural in the eyes! :D


Super comfortable
colors are vibrant
natural looking enlargement

the pattern isnt as pretty as the grey
3 tones aren't so defined

Im very happy with this series of lens so far♥

ohh I need to color my root asap... I've been not taking care of myself this past few months :sigh: time to get myself together!! D;

also other Shinny series that I have reviewed in the past below:

 that was it for the review very short lol X3

Thank you so for everyone for all the sweet comments on my last post with Tsu-chan drawing!! T^T It means so much cause Im trying hard to get my passion back for art and drawing so all the encouraging words really made me happy and more determined to keep on drawing!! THANK YOU for all the LOVE!♥


eki draw~ 益若つばさ Tsubasa sketch :)

Hi :)

I sketched Tsubasa yesterday cause I found my sketch book :p and I posted the sketch on twitter with Tsu-chan's twitter @tsubasamasuwaka and to my surprise she retweeted my tweet and commented back!! XD I was super shocked and nervous since she said "天才!♥欲しい!" which said "Genius! ♥ I want!"

so I cleaned up and finish the sketch for her but Im not sure if she'll respond back but I would love to send it to her she since I am her huge FAN! XD Its alittle bit off and I got lazy on the hair so I donno if its good enough for her though... X3

Need to practice more and maybe when I paint her something she will really want it!! so back to practicing :D

sorry I've been slacking on blogging... been taking lots of "me" time since Ive been stressed and been going crazy so I really needed time to regroup, clear my mind & now try to start fresh again!... hopefully lol :D 

I have tons to blog about so I will get that going!! thanks for always stopping by and reading my blog♥



MBDM 我的美麗日記 Collabs with Hello Kitty!!

Hi Hi~ 

My Beauty Diary Mask Collabs with Hello Kitty♥
Just a super quick post since I was so excited about this I had to blog about it lol X3 

Was looking through Taiwanese beauty website and saw this apparently it was released just this month!! My hands immediately started to itch for this~ Hope I can find a store that sells this cause Im dying to get my hand on this now! Im such a sucker for kawaii packaging X3

My Beauty Diary in Strawberry Milk

Features: Whitening and Brightening
Pack of 10

comes in 3 different packaging designs 

My Beauty Diary Mask Honey Strawberry 

Features: Brighten and moisture
pack of 10

also some MBDM's newest series celebrating Taiwanese Flower festival called Blooming Mask series have just released more mask in Orange Blossom and Pink Rockrose :)

I dont know why but once you start masking you just get addicted to collecting and trying out new mask for some reason....hehe 

well will get back to normal scheduled posting next!♥

Happy Happy Friday!



How to make easy okonomiyaki~ :)

Hi Hi again~

I always cook things that I think you would love too since its simple and delicious but I forget to take picture of the process but this time around I remembered... just barely cause the picture are crappy taken with iPhone so next food tutorial I will make sure to take nice pics<3

ok I lot of you asked what is Okonomiyaki?

お好み焼きokonomi = your choice or your favorite yaki = grill or cook
translates to your favorite cooked dish! so with okonomiyaki you can add whatever you like into this pancake so in Japan Okonomiyaki was originated from kansai southern Japan like Osaka and Hiroshima area so the okonomiyaki I made here are really simplified version of okonomiyaki :) My most favorite dishes are this and takoyaki which is another famous kansai food! ^0^

Here is eki version okonomiyaki recipe

ok what you need:
(this makes about 6 pancake size okonomiyaki)

2 cup of okonomiyaki mix*optional* or 2 cup of flour with 3 teaspoon of hondashi (fish broth)
1 1/4 cup of water
1 egg
half cabbage chopped up
5-6 stems of Nira chives or known as garlic chives *if you cant find this you can use scallion but Nira tastes better*
your choice of meats *I like shirmp, pork, bacon in my okonomiyaki so good~* :D~


kewpie mayonnaise *must have taste so good with this*
Okonomiyaki sauce *I like otafuku brand* or Tonkatsu sauce
okaka *bonito dried fish flakes* (optional but seafood lover would love the extra fishy flavor lol) 

 its called okonomiyaki since you can add whatever you like in this! Adding noodles are always good too :D but the basic must have formula to okonomiyaki are always cabbages & the flour mix and the topping are what makes a okonomiyaki a Okonomiyaki ^__^

ok so first you need to get your flour ready I like to get premixed okonomiyaki mix cause its already flavored and it will taste so much more authentic but if you cant get your hands on some okonomiyaki mix you can mix flour with hondashi together and it will taste as good :)

okonomiyaki mix I bought from asianfoodgrocer.com

 chopped up cabbage I like mine fine but if you like more crunchy chop them in bigger chunks
Nira chopped up in 1" inch lengths

mix your 2 cups of flour mix, 1 1/4 cup of water and 1 egg

then add your ingredients 

mix all the ingredients together your mixture should be semi runny
if you have hot grill it will be great but if not grill them in your frying pan, make a pancake size or desired size
make sure you pat down the okonomiyaki so it cooks evenly and this will form your okonimiyaki into nice a pancake form. Cook the okonomiyaki till both sides are nicely golden and grilled :) 

 Now top your Okonomiyaki with kewpi mayo, okonomiyaki sauce and fish flakes!


so easy right? Hope you like it ^__^

 Perfect side dish~ Edamame :)

well that was it okonomiyaki are really fun & easy to make, hope you find it yummy too♥
If you have additional questions dont be shy ^__^

Take care!!

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