
Paul & Joe mascara Primer review FOTD


finally some review huh :P
I am so slow of posting reviews and tutorials,, Im so sorry X3

Here I wanted to share Paul & Joe mascara primer I got not too long ago which I have been loving the results I get with the Prime+Fiberwig. Makes my lash so defined and LONG~ seriously makes it look like I have false lashes on!

my take on P&J mascara primer:
I have used many mascara primers in the past and I do love the results I get when I use primer+macara, this one is like applying fiberwig before the actual fiberwig itself since the primer contain fibers just like fiberwig which extends my lashes greatly. I am really liking this primer alot :3

The trick
I found with using this product is that you have to apply individually on the lashes where you make sure that they are all separated or else you will have big clump of mess but if you make sure that the lashes are nicely separated the mascara goes on it nice and defined just like false lashes. :)

I use the volume side with the fibers, Im not sure the curl side do yet I dont see any difference when I use the curl side I have to play around with it more I guess to figure out whats its good for.

paun & joe mascara primer volume

with fiberwig it makes my lashes super long and so defined without having to apply so many coat of Fiberwig~

eki Fiberwig

then I curl with panasonic electric lash curler and it keeps my lashes curled without melting the fibers off so the primer works really well with electric curlers.

panasonic lash curler

With primer on the left you can see that my lashes are short and not so noticeable, after with fiberwig and curled with panasonic lash curler, see the big difference, right! :D

P&J primer with fiberwig

Left: without anything Right: with P&J mascara prime+fiberwig+curled

lash with&without

what am I wearing:

Lioele BB cream
DHC Q10 face powder in yellow
NYX concealer jar in beige
Jill stuart mix blush in 02

Dolly wink liquid eyeliner
canmake four shiny eyes palette in 03
MUFE aqua eyes pencil in 2L
P&J mascara primer
Fiberwig mascara
Dollyeyes Lens in grey

canmake Nudy glow in 02

eki lashes look


  1. Thanks for reviewing the primer Eki-chan! It really does look amazing with the fiberwig! Is it waterproof? My trouble with fiberwig is that it's not waterproof, so I need a waterproof primer ><

  2. eki, u look like a doll, a real cute doll!

  3. :) Thanks for the review Eki! You look fab as usual, I love those colour contacts of yours. ^^

  4. ekiさんめちゃや可愛いー!!

  5. Eki-Eki chan!! Genki desu ka? I miss youu! :( Sorry I haven't been able to stop by and read your blog must...I will need to set aside a catch-up day to read+comment all the posts on your blog that I haven't read yet!

    Anyway, you look GORGEOUS, as always! I love your dark chocolate brown hair and how your icy blue contacts contrast with it!<3 Set against your fair complexion...you are PERFECTION! Honto honto ni! ^__~ This is a really good look for you! You should keep this hair color for a while, you beauty<3 And that primer+fiberwig combo really does work for you! It's always amazing how big of a difference defined lashes make--our eyes really POP! :)

    About your EKILOVE STORE:
    I am SOOOO SOOOO SADD ;_; I really REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLYYYYY wanted to buy your Ice Princess bracelet!! I can't believe it's sold out!! :'( I had no idea how extremely fast your goodies get sold...I'm really sad and learned my lesson. ;_; SIGH. Will you be making more any time soon? Please let me know!!<3

    Love youu!! Take care onee-chan!
    <3 caroline

  6. Yes, your eyes do look like they are having falsies on @.@
    thanks for the review eki! :)

  7. You look gorgeous hun!! Love those lens on you! Wow the primer looks like it works well. Must go find it =D. Hehe I am not good with putting falshies on so this may be a good alternative hehe <33

  8. You are gorgeous! ;3

    I'm definitely going to buy the Panasonic eyelash curler. My gf bought me Fiberwig for my bday last year and told me to try it out because she loved it herself anddd I love it now too! Hehehh ;D I'm looking forward to purchasing kawaii items from your store in the future <3


  9. wow great review! I've never used primer on my lashes before mascara, just lashings of mascara! I might look to invest in some when I can afford it, it looks like it makes a difference!

  10. You look gorgeous Eki! ^^ I need a heated eyelash curler and primer to amp up my fiberwig XD

    You can pull off any circle lens :D

  11. I luv your art work especially your bracelet!!<3

  12. What a difference!! You have great eyelashes, my dear! I envy your lower lashes!!!! I love paul and joe products so much. I love their girly packaging, and the products work so well. I'm totally using up the PnJ eyeshadow you sent me. Its my favorite!!!

  13. You have beautiful lovely lashes even without primer!!!

    I wish there were certain stores around where I live that sold exclusive Japanese cosmetics here! (Like the pretty canmake Lippie or the Dolly Wink Liquid Eyeliner)

    Looking gorgeous as usual :) Super sad I missed out on some of the beautiful hime bracelets in your store...*sigh* I will be anxiously awaiting the next arrival! ♥

  14. very natural looking makeup :]
    those contacts, in my opinion... are scary lol.

  15. your beautiful as always...now I so want the panasonic eyelash curler....

  16. Thank you for posting a review on the P&J primer!! =) I actually bought the fiberwig mascara after one of your reviews on it and I bought it from the Ebay seller that you linked in your blog =). So far, its working pretty well for me (eventhough I don't have the heating eyelash curler). Bt I think I should get it because my lashes are still not as long as I hope for it to be =P. But maybe also with the "Latisse" that you told me about, it should be even better =D! Thank you for sharing =) I love your look and your top!! =)

  17. So pretty ^___^. I really like this last pic of yours as well as the pictures you took for your couture line~~ <3

    Thanks for sharing this trick with us! It really does look like your have falsies on but without the fuss with the glue and the poking around, right? ^___^

    I think you mentioned it on your twitter about feeling a bit sick? I hope you feel better! I've officially fallen sick. D: & coughs are not fun! >___< So take care! <3

  18. P.S. I forgot to tell you personally to thank you for recommending the Panasonic eyelash curler. :3 They work really well on my stubborn lashes! Thanks eki~~ <3

  19. Thanks for the review! I bought Fiberwig a couple months ago and I LOVE it!

  20. thanks for the review!! I think i'll try that out next time... primer w/ the Fiberwig :]

  21. Eki dear, you look amazing as always :) Thanks for the primer review, I def need to get my hands on some because my lashes are non-existent!

  22. i love your top! but wow that primer sounds awesome :3 and i want to get that lash curler.. i don't think the one i have works as well! :|

  23. You are absolutely gorgeous! I loveeeee your eyes ^__^ those contacts really suit you, you remind me of an anime character XD

    Thankies for the review and I can't wait to receive the necklace!


  24. You are beautiful!
    And the mascara really makes all the difference- it does appear to give a false lash appearance.

    Great review!

    Miss. P

  25. so pretty! i really want to try the fiberwig mascara!

  26. Beautiful! My Fiberwig got too old last year and I haven't gotten a new one but now I want another! That primer looks likes it's awesome.

  27. I can't live without mascara primer! Thanks for this review, Eki. =D

  28. hi eki dear!
    PJ eyelash primer does look like those Taiwanese duo mascara where one of them is the "white fibers". Does a great job on ur lashes... esp ur lower lashes too! That's simply amazing I must say...
    really pretty! lulz

  29. wow!
    I like the last comparing pic! It's stunning! =O
    It really looks like you're wearing falsies! ^.^

  30. Gossh your eyes look soo clear in the photo! You use a DSLR for the pics on your blog right?

  31. I love your eyelashes! The primer works well.

  32. WOW! Those contacts are amazing! They glow such a beautiful color.

    I love how long your lashes are :)
    Your bottom lashes are so full!

  33. That is AMAZING! I'll have to get some! I love P&J Mascaras too.

  34. Thanks for the review, Eki! The primer sounds amazing, thanks for the comparison pic - that's such a big difference!! x

  35. Eki-Chan XD Ohhh you really look beautiful! I'll see if I can curl of eyelashes conceguir the real me encanto! Here in Argentina does not get much uu
    The result is very nice indeed! I'm really beautiful! And I love your eyes!

  36. Awwww.. you look so sweet and nice!!

    Wow, at this point, I'm not sure if the mascara is damned good or is it the primer. You have more under eye lashes than I have eye lashes T.T

  37. Your eyes are so pretty and I love your mascara application! I could drown looking at your eyes (and I don't mean that in a creepy way, lol). O_O

  38. stunning!!! miss your videos please make some soon :)

  39. The results of that primer look awesome on you! I've been using lancome and it doesn't produce nearly as nice results.

  40. You look stunning Eki!

  41. Hello :) I stumbled upon your blog from other blogs. It's so heartwarming to see how far support and friendship can extend through letters & words :)

    I really enjoy your posts! Mind if I become your follower? :D

  42. are there any website where i can get paul &joe mascara primer?? thank you a million times for your help.

  43. hi! you can get paul & joe at dermstore.com and asos.com :D both offer free shipping also and free paul & Joe bag with purchase of 2 P&J products at the moment!<3


let me know what you think~ :3

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