
Belated 1 year blog anniversary post


2/22/10 was my 1 year blog anniversary! Which I am late blogging about due to being sick for the past week :( so I finally put together a collage of my past posts to just glance over at my 1 year of blogging :D

I cannot express this gratitude that I have to all my readers and the amazing ladies I have become friends with, I am truly thankful for all the LOVE I have gotten over the year of me starting this blog.
I originally started blogging to fill the loneliness I had from moving from FL to MN away from all that I knew of and the friends/loved ones that I have left behind to start this new journey of my life with my BF Zach *which this is his home state*

As I stated in my first post "I have decided to write a blog to share portion of my life with friends and family. I have just made a big move to a new state,city so its a new chapter of my life. I donno if I'll be a good blogger but Im just gonna be me here" I start blogging to write about my everyday things and hoped to make new friends in the process and that is what exactly happened and more, I never expected my blog to be interesting to others nor that I would have so many followers. ^__^
I cannot tell you how much this blog have brought joy to my lonely soul, it really do mean alot to me to know that you see me as I am, here to meet lovely ladies and share common interest and most of all I am happy to know that we can share the same love for another!♥

with the 1 year of blogging I have gotten nothing but LOVE from all of you! I never had one single hate comment nor hate mail and I am really grateful for that because my blog/me are here to LOVE and not to spread hate or negativity, so THANK YOU SO MUCH for keeping my blog a place of LOVE and a place for us to all connect :) Really I am so thankful for everything, I just wish I could find more time to do more like posting, repaying love packages and get to know more lovely ladies but time have been the main issue :(

as I was putting together this collage it made me reflect on all that happened this past year and I think having a blog is a plus to remind you of what happened and makes you appreciate things that happened even more. I really cannot believe that I got to meet so many amazingly sweet ladies here on blogger when we are all complete strangers but with the common interest we have become friends and can share the love for one and another, that is the one magical thing about blogger is that we can connect with people that you can share a connection with whether its your love for beauty, art, craft, photography or anything else that we can all feel a connection with :D

Thank you so much for the amazing 1 year, Im not sure if I am a good blogger since I talk about whatever I feel like and I dont have set criteria theme for my blog but I am just being me here and that is why it makes me more thankful is that you guys find it interesting XD
Thank you♥

well enough of my nonsense, back to my topic of this post :D
I have this photo of my cork board that I started putting all the letter I have received from all the sweet ladies I have met through blogger to remind myself of how much love there are in this place, and how we can share the love for one another even if we all started out as strangers. Keep me positive and happy when I see this board♥

You might get tired of me saying LOVE and LOVE and more LOVE but LOVE is really important in my life. when I was growing up, I grew up with little to no love. All I knew of was sadness, disappointments, being robbed of my childhood and innocence. I dont really talk about my past but I went through alot of hardship and bad events growing up which left me with heavy depression but what made me continue with life is to stay positive at all time and follow your dream no matter what. SO spread love and not hate at all times ♥

In the beginning I started entering other bloggers contest which I was new to blogging community I had no idea how things worked at first but I was desperate of meeting people so I thought it was such a amazing idea how people hosted contest, see other girls creativeness and meeting new people at the same time. Now blogging community have kinda changed I feel like people have made their blogs more commercialized and is there to get big with sponsorships or something....with no heart in their blogs. I miss seeing more personal blogs and where we can host contest just to see other girls creativeness and talk about whatever we please.

here are some look I have done in the past for contests not much since we kinda all stopped having fun with contests which I am planning to host another contest sometime in the near future :D

LOVE for makeup & beauty

eki cosplay looks copy

I get lost in what to write about sometimes but I just end up making a post about what interests me and the stuff that I wanna share with other girls that I think that is amazing*beauty related stuff usually* :P I do have alot I wanna post about but been either too tired or drained to put any effort which I am trying to fix at the moment by finding more time and managing my time better :3
keep your passion alive!! wow that came out of nowhere LOL but its true dont let your passion die that is one of the things in life that will keep you happy is your passion for things you love.

my passion as you know if you look over my posts are*not in any special order*
2.crafting/creating anything with my hands/designing
3.anything beauty related stuff :3

In march before my birthday last year Zach have surprised me with Dslr Nikon D90 since he knew one of my passion was photography since I work alot with photographers he thought it would be nice if I start my own as well it was really thoughtful gift which I have been neglecting lately =_=;; I need to start taking up photography again!

here are some items I took last year

LOVE for photography

eki photos

Thanks to my blog I started up drawing again after years of not drawing, I truly feel a sense of joy when I draw but my hands are so rusty it hurts after a while :/ I wish I was young again when imagination just came freely and your hands just worked with you as one :P

so I really want to start drawing more often but sometime I feel like my mind is just too blah and not inspired and stressed from life...I really want to follow my true dream of becoming an artist of some kind either in digital art or traditional,, just dont know yet but if the time is right I would like to go back to art school again :)

just a round up of doodles XP

LOVE for art

eki draw copy

since March of 2009 with the love of kawaii and crafting ekiLove was born♥ now over 400+ orders served and is fully registered business thanks to all your support :D
It all just started with things I thought was kawaii and wanted to share my kawaii to others since I was consistently asked where I got my hair piece or other items I created so I decided to open a mini shop to share some of my creations. Just started with small hair pieces and bows and then grew into sewing items with now features jewels. :D

I am very proud of my creations and the design that I put my heart into all that I create, its alot of hard work too since I create, take photos of all the items, maintain web store, taking orders and making sure everything gets shipped accordingly since I am the only one running ekilove but its all worth it when I know that the item I have created is loved and have put a smile on someones face♥ thats what keeps me creating and sharing my love for kawaii and Hime style items!

My creations/designs have been imitated/copied by many other craftier and claimed as their own creation/designs which every time it is disappointing to me since if you create something you should really put your heart into it and not take other persons hard work since all of my creations have alittle of me in them, everyone should put their heart/soul into what they make with their own 2 hands and be proud of what they have just created.... be original and respectful of ones works please.

to all my ekiLovers thank you for all the undying support and love, it means so MUCH! ^0^
I will continue to create items that you will love and will continue improving my skills and craft!

here is alittle timeline of ekilove ;)

LOVE for kawaii, crafting and designing

ekilove timeline copy

well that is it for the recap of 1 year of blogging, it has a been really a pleasure to be here and I want to thank you again for your support, I wish I had more time to personally say thank you to everyone. Another thing I would like to address, Im so sorry if I never get back to all your questions, it have been really hard trying to answer questions when its everywhere from emails,comment box to cbox,, I dont want to open formspring since I am already having hard time finding time to answer all my emails but if its going to make it easy for everyone if it in one place please let me know. Please know that I am not trying to neglect anyone and questions, life just gets too overwhelming sometimes.

I hope to keep posting more interesting post to come Im not sure if it will be but I will try :)
sorry for the LONG post but thank you for reading them hope you got to know me more if you are new readers♥

take care everyone! Im still recovering from being sick but Im glad I finally made this post~ hope everyone is have a happy blogging time also♥


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