
Paul & Joe haul & review


Feels like I haven't made a post in a while XP
had busy busy week so took some time off from everything this weekend so I guess that really helped me to relax :)

I feel like I have LOTS to post about so hopefully I can make a post everyday! well at least I will try to LOL well here my Paul & Joe haul I got from softsurroundings.com were they had everything from P&J stuff on sale~ they still have few items left so if you like to check it out click here :)

Paul & Joe beaute lines are made in Japan so its hard to find them being sold in Us only in selective stores, you can check out their official site here

I Love their packaging and the style of their products they are very elegant and princessy, all of their products have really nice fragrant also reminds me of elegant and princess like and they are very nice quality products! :D

I was hesitant to purchase this items since I am saving up to go to Japan this year but it was such a great price and deal that I ended up making a buy.. but by the time I decided to make a purchase most of the items that I wanted was sold out so I kicked myself for not making the purchase in the first place LOL but in return the store was kind enough to give me $10 off coupon on this products that I have got! so it was even sweeter deal, but I was missing one of the lip gloss that I wanted so that was a little set back in purchasing from this store again.

first I got Paul & Joe eyeshadow in earth and daisy
This eye shadows are very smooth in texture and very pigmented but soft at the same time since they contain lots shimmer, the earth which is the darker shade one is gold undertone brown with hint of olive so it goes on the skin very neutral almost looks like grayish shade once applied I like it~ and the daisy is pale gold with creamy yellow tint perfect for highlighter shade!

The compact comes with mirror so its very useful if you are on the go :3

paul&joe eyeshadows

p&j eyeshadow

Mascara duo primer and eyeshadow primer

Paul & joe primers

The eyeshadow primer come in 3 shade for different skin tones,
I got the eyeshadow primer in 02 Chai - A sand beige for medium skin tones.
Primers will make your eyeshadow more vibrant and makes your shadow last longer :)

p&j eyeshadow primer

The mascara duo primer is in clear color goes on under your mascara for longer and more defined lashes, this have 2 type for either volume or for curl.

You can see the fibers in the Volume side of the primer this will make your lashes longer and fuller.

paun & joe mascara primer volume

joe & joe mascara primer

Paul & Joe lipstick N in Ballet shoe and Candied Rose

Their lipstick are very sheer and shimmery but looks very pretty, not too overpowering shimmer either. The fine shimmer actually makes your lips look more plumped and the hint of color makes your lips looks very cute :3 But since they are sheer I had to go over couple time for the color to show up.
they are also pretty moisturizing, I almost feel like they have like lip balm consistency and also smells very pretty♥

paul&joe lipsticks

paul & joe lipstick N

#3 Candies Rose
Rosy pink shade

p&j cadied rose

p&j candied rose

#16 Ballet shoe
Pinky apricot/ peach shade

p&j ballet shoes

p&j ballet shoes 2

Look with this products:

p&J primer
P&J eyeshadow in earth and daisy
Fiberwig mascara
Dolly wink eyeliner
Barbie king lens in grey

DHC foundation in beige ocher
NYX concealer jar in beige
Jill Stuart mix blush in 02

P&J lipstick N in Candied Rose
Nyx round lip gloss in sorbet

yes~ I colored my hair finally ;D
used Loreal excellence creme in #4 dark brown, they are super dark almost black X3
will make a post about this hair dye~

also Im wearing new ekiLove necklace Kawaii bow necklace♥
I will have the new items for sale tomorrow! :)

eki wear p&j

ok that it for now thanks for stopping by~
will have ysl lippie post next time and some mask reviews!

take care everyone♥


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