
Beautiful snowy wonderland :)


Just wanted to share photos of beautiful winter morning here from in MN!
first pic I am wearing barbie big lens in violet from pinkyparadise still trying to get used to how it looks make me look cross eyed but very dolly, debating if I want to get barbie big or barbie king in brown to do a review on what do you like to see, what lens I should review on next in browns from pinkyparadise?? please let me know! :D

This was taken few days ago and I woke up to this breath taking view, here is a view from kitchen window you can see my snow monster LOL X3

it used to be smiling but now looks angry :/
Its so pretty all the branches on the tree's are frozen so its white!! Me living in FL most of my life I have never seen such a beautiful view like this so I wanted to share with you guys too♥

it looks super cold right? well it is X3
even snow monsters Mohawk was frozen LOL made me laugh :P

MN snow wonderland

looks like paintings, like Bob Ross's beautiful work!

MN snow wonderland

all the branches were so heavy from being frozen its all hanging so low,
my car looks like a toy :3

MN snow wonderland

White trees looks so magical and unreal, I felt like I was in a snowy wonderland!

MN snow wonderland

close up of the frozen branch, sooo fluffy and pretty!

MN snow wonderland

MN snow wonderland

MN snow wonderland

well that's it for some photoblog :P

will have more products review and tutorials soon!!

gotta go work on ekiLove stuff♥


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