
Tagged by innerchild~ NYX swatches


I was tagged by innerchild

what does your blogger habitat looks like?

so here is my area that I spend lots of time LOL XD

its my computer + makeup area I share my room with my Bf so I have my corner and he has his own computer area in the room :)

so recently upgraded my imac from "17 inches to "24 inch and its HUGE Im not used to it yet its too big for me LOL very bright and clear display perfect for CGing ^__^

next to it is macbook pro "15 its my BF's but I use it alot when Im in bed hehe XD

and my other important tool is my Wacom Intuos 3 in 6x8 its mid size one great for CG its very precise in pen sensitivity~

this is the same area I put on my makeup, nail stuff and do girly stuff too so I have my makeup and hair products on the table ^__^

my favorite is the chair!! its so beautiful and comfy~!! I sit on it for hours & hours and still my bum bum feels comfy

over on the other side is my crafting table where I make my hair accessories~ its usually really messy but I cleaned it beforeI took the photos XP

my Bf made the ribbon box for me so useful!! before it was ribbon nightmare with unraveled ribbon everywhere hehe >_<
Im tagging 5 other ladies~

Amore Vintage
cause I want to see how their blogging area looks like LOL ^0^

Lastly Mayaari is having a great giveaway so please visit!! CLICK HERE
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