
update on giveaway~

Hello girls!
so I wanted to let you guys know since there is lots of girls that joined this giveaway, I've decided to give 2 girls the gifts!! and I know not everyone is a fan of pink so I'll let the 2 winners to choose their prize one from the flower batch and one from the bows!

I am going to draw the winners tomorrow! so if you are interested, its still open till tomorrow night~ :D

Thank you for all the interest, LOVE & support~!

so I bought some strawberries today and look what I found~ a heart shaped strawberry!! XD
it was so cute I just had to take a photo of it~ hehe
perfect heart shaped :3

and then from being cute, turn it around and it looks like boobies or a bootay haha :P
sorry the greasy face with lack of makeup >_<;;
oh and Spankedelic have informed me that I won her arabic eyes contest!!! XD
I didnt think I would win since there were so many beautiful girls with amazing makeup skills!! so thank you so much Trinh I am honored!!
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